Saturday, November 12, 2011

"Colliding Illusion" (From My FB Page)

Call it a rude awakening or maybe even a murky vision of realization. I am aware slightly of the fact that I am where I'm meant to be and all things are at the right place and right time, Whether we dream it or not. Its a time for change and a time for letting go of unwanted clutter of emotions. No more sticking in a place of foolishness that I once called "comfort". If I was truly meant to be in that spot then I may revisit there again someday, This time in hopes for the better and the good and true. Among, My thoughts from what I gather is that through the roughest patches and certain occurances in my place, I've found that a mirror of yourself sticks to you through all the battles in the good and the bad.
I severely hold onto that moment hoping that it will last many moons to come forth...
To those that decided to take on this hypocrisy of a universe along with me, Has placed an oath of dedication within my heart & with that being said I thank you for taking the time to see whats beyond that wall. You hold the highest honor in my book!

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